#70: John Dionisio on bringing Omniscience, Omnipresence, & Omnipotence to virtual & augmented realities + AR as the Reversal of VR and bringing the synthetic into the reality Post date July 31, 2014
#69: Ryan Pulliam on creating immersive marketing narratives with virtual reality and the future of experiential advertising campaigns Post date July 30, 2014
#68: Michael Licht on the importance of believable VR environments for presence, immersive journalism, & full-body tracking in VR Post date July 29, 2014
#67: Jane Crayton on using vDome to create immersive dome and live VJ experiences with a VR toolchain Post date July 28, 2014
#66: Inarra Saarinen on mixed reality live performances with Ballet Pixelle’s virtual dance company Post date July 28, 2014
#65: Isabel Meyer on digitizing Smithsonian collections & making them available for educational use Post date July 26, 2014
#64: Terry Beaubois on architecture in VR, robotic telepresence at NASA, & the Golden Age of Immersion with the Internet of Things Post date July 25, 2014
#63: Kevin Joyce on covering the evolution of virtual reality gaming at VRFocus Post date July 24, 2014
#62: Ivan Blaustein on fostering community through 48-hour VR game jams at the Orange County VR meet up + educational hackathon winners Post date July 23, 2014
#61: Mike Arevalo on VR Typing Trainer winning an Educational Game Jam & unlocking the brain for learning through gaming in immersive VR Post date July 22, 2014